about me

The memories of my childhood include all of the standard embarrassing school photos, failed attempts at “love,” and cherished summer vacations, but more often than not, I remember the times centered around my family's dining table. I grew up with food being a central part of holidays, gatherings, celebrations, and everyday activities. With both of my parents in the health-care professions- particularly my mom being a dietitian-, they strived to expose my sisters and myself to a variety of foods; however, as a picky youngster, one’s palate is not quite so apt to trying foreign foods outside the trusty ol’ Mac & Cheese-the blue boxed kind- and hot dogs on the grill. As I have grown up, luckily  my palate has as well. I continue to hold this strong appetite for all things culinary, and I want to practice my kitchen skills,  talk about all things foodie, discover the up-and-coming foodstuff, and share my passion with you! I'm tickled pink to communicate all the exciting happenings that are turn-ing up in the culinary world; I want you to explore recipes, nutrition, tips, tricks, books, restaurants, and gadgets with me!